OpenDNS Family Shield



OpenDNS Home 簡易使用指南

家庭⽤⼾可透過FamilyShield 不讓他們的孩⼦在他們的電腦上看到不適. 當的圖片及成⼈內容。要使⽤ FamilyShield,您應將DNS 服務器條⽬設置為:. 和208.67.


OpenDNS is an American company providing Domain Name System (DNS) resolution services—with features such as phishing protection, optional content filtering, ...

Family Shield by OpenDNS

You're minutes away from making the Internet safer for everyone in your household. FamilyShield is the single easiest way to protect your kids online, block ...

FamilyShield Router Configuration Instructions

2023年11月12日 — 1. Open the preferences for your router. · 2. Find the DNS server settings. · 3. Put in the FamilyShield OpenDNS server addresses as your DNS ...

FamilyShield Computer Configuration Instructions

2023年1月20日 — FamilyShield is a special service offered by OpenDNS distinct from our standard packages. Meant for home users who want to keep their ...


2021年6月8日 — OpenDNS分為幾個服務:Family Shield為家庭安全服務,而Umbrella則為中小企業服務,Family Shield的服務目前是完全免費,而且不限人數,超級佛心。

Setup Guide

Thanks for choosing OpenDNS! To get started, you'll need to set up one or more of your devices to use OpenDNS's DNS nameservers. For instructions on how to ...

Home Internet Security

OpenDNS is the easiest way to make your Internet safer, faster and more reliable. Protect your family across all devices on your home network.

OpenDNS Family Shield Review 2024 — Does It Work?

2024年5月28日 — OpenDNS Family Shield is a very basic parental control app — it's completely free and offers a preconfigured web filter, and it has the ability ...


家庭⽤⼾可透過FamilyShield不讓他們的孩⼦在他們的電腦上看到不適.當的圖片及成⼈內容。要使⽤FamilyShield,您應將DNS服務器條⽬設置為:.和208.67.,OpenDNSisanAmericancompanyprovidingDomainNameSystem(DNS)resolutionservices—withfeaturessuchasphishingprotection,optionalcontentfiltering, ...,You'reminutesawayfrommakingtheInternetsaferforeveryoneinyourhousehold.FamilyShieldisthesingleeasies...